
Handstands for All w/Ziggy!

In this 60 minute in-studio only class, you will learn conditioning drills and exercises to improve your handstand. Be more aware of the alignment of your body in a good handstand and how to stack your hips over your shoulders. Gain tools and tips on what a handstand should look like and how to work further towards whatever hand balancing goals you have. This class is open to all levels, ages 10 and up. Great for beginners!

Saturday 5pm
July 24th, 30th & August 7th

Students must be fully vaccinated with proof and also wear their masks over nose and mouth at all times when you are in the studio for this class.

Space is limited. Once class begins there are no refunds and no make up classes. We require a minimum of 4 students to hold this class.

About the Instructor. After 7 years of gymnastics, Ziggy Sheynin started training aerial silks and straps at Impact! Kickboxing Fitness with the Ascend Aerial Arts Program in 2015. She graduated from Kinetic Arts Center’s pre-professional youth troupe Circus Spire in 2020. With Spire, she performed in three large productions, Circus Austerious, Circus Panopticon, and CURATED: A-not-so-still-life Circus, in addition to other smaller gigs and shows. Her current focus is in hand balancing, straps, silks, and partner acrobatics. She has also experience on rope, lyra, and trapeze. Ziggy wants to share her knowledge of circus and inspire others to achieve their highest potential.