
Aerial Silks Intro 1-day class!

claire-566x850-2 This One-Day 90 minute class is for those curious about aerial silks or interested in developing strong core and upper body with conditioning exercises on and off the silks. No experience necessary. Try it once and you’ll be hooked!

Saturday 2:30pm – 4PM – August 26th, 2017 with Aerial Instructor, Claire! $35/pp

Sign Up Today!

Questions?  Contact us at ascendaerialart@gmail.com or leave a message at 650-489-6573

*Note:  Participants must be in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in aerial silk activities. Space is limited. Once class begins there are no refunds and no make up classes. We require a minimum of 6 students to hold a class. Participants 14 and older are welcome.

Claire started aerial silks in 2012, training at Nightflight Aerial Arts and later with The Circus Project as a member of their Training Company in Portland, OR. They’ve also been known to mess around with lyra, trapeze, and contortion. In 2015 they graduated with a degree in Theatre from Reed College, and soon after moved to the Bay. In addition to circus, they delight in discussing historical European fashion, alternative relationship structures, and Star Trek.